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How Do I Get a Replacement Social Security Benefits Statement Online?

If you receive Social Security benefits, you’ll need your Benefits Statement at tax time. Your Benefits Statement, officially known as your SSA-1099, is an important tax document. It shows how much you received in Social Security benefits over the last year. So, you will need it to accurately report your income on your tax return. Keep in mind, that those receiving Supplemental Security Income do not receive Benefits Statements. However, anyone else receiving any other type of Social Security benefits will need their statement to file their taxes. The Social Security Administration mails out Benefits Statements in January for the previous year. If you’ve lost your statement, or never received it, it’s easy to get a replacement Social Security Benefits Statement online.

Where to Go to Get a Replacement Benefits Statement

There is no longer any need to make the drive to your local Social Security Administration office for a replacement. You can go online to the Social Security Administration website and get a printable replacement form instantly. If you don’t have one already, you will need to sign up for a free my Social Security account. After you sign up, you will be able to download your SSA-1099 and many other important documents. If you are a non-citizen and receive form SSA-1042S instead, you will be able to access it online as well. Both forms are usually available online after February 1st. So, if you haven’t received your Benefits Statement by the end of January, it should be available online. 

How to Find Your Form

After you have signed up for a my Social Security account on the website, you can go to your account page and find the “Replacement Documents” link. From there, you can view and print any documents that are available. However, if you don’t have access to a printer, you can save your form to print later. You can also email it to someone you trust to print it for you.

It’s important to note, if you are not currently living in the U.S., you will not be able to access your forms online. You will have to contact your nearby U.S. Embassy or Consulate to get a replacement form.

Need More Information About Your Social Security Benefits?

If you have questions about your Social Security benefits, we can help. Our experts can help you learn more about your benefits, and how you can make your hard earned payout work best for you. We can also help you determine your eligibility and calculate your payout. 

If you’ve lost your Social Security card, or it’s been damaged, we can help with that too. With our simple, 3-step system, you’ll have your replacement Social Security on its way to you in no time. Click here to find out more about our streamlined process and start your Social Security card application today.

Find about Social Security with SSN Simple. We made Social Security Easy, order your social security card replacement from your home or office in one click.

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